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Engage Gujarat CIC

Sep 14, 2016  10:35 Sep 21, 2016  00:00 Swarntabh Kumar Swarntabh Kumar 1,715 Milestone achieved via ratification(1Vs.0)

out from Gujarat CIC if there is a plan or process to digitize the Right to
Information process

Find out from Gujarat CIC if there is a plan or process to digitize the Right to Information process in the state in line with what central government provides. In the website of Gujarat Information Commission they say that the basic object of the RTI Act is to empower the citizens, promote transparency and accountability in the working of the Government, contain corruption, and make our democracy work of the people in real sense. It goes without saying that an informed citizen is better equipped to keep necessary vigil on the instruments of governance and make the Government more accountable to the governed. The Act is a big step towards making the citizens informed about the activities of the Government.

out from Gujarat CIC if there is a plan or process to digitize the Right to
Information process

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