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Divyangs and PMG (Privatization, Modernization, Globalization) - A Global Media Perspective

Event Location - INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MASS COMMUNICATION (IIMC) JNU new campus, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110067, India.
Event Starts At - Dec 10, 2017 - 4:00 AM
Event Ends At - Dec 10, 2017 - 11:30 PM
Dec 10, 2017  04:00 Dec 10, 2017  23:30 Rakesh Prasad Rakesh Prasad 1,340

To Join the Seminar online please click on the- Live Webinar Link available between 10 AM - 6 PM on

To Join the Seminar online please click on the- Live Webinar Link available between 10 AM - 6 PM on 10th December 2017


  • Punerutthan Trust (NGO) is to empower underprivileged children, youth, and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare, and market-focused livelihood programmes.
  • Punerutthan  Trust  (NGO) is to deploy possible methodology and technology for achieving ideal  SROI (Social Return on Investment), to practice and promote good governance. To link societies with social development initiatives;  also to sensitize privileged children, youth and citizens in general to promote Civic Driven Change.
  • Punerutthan Trust (NGO) believes that unless members of the civil society are involved proactively in the process of development, sustainable change will not happen. Believing in this principle of 'Civic Driven Change', Smile Foundation sensitizes the civil society in order to make them partners in its mission.


In Dec.2015 Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said

Disabled people are endowed with extra qualities and are far more capable then it is believed. They can perform extraordinary tasks and at times one can feel a magical power in them, therefore, the term "DIVYANG"(extraordinary intelligent) should be used for them. God has infused extra powers in them. These powers are not visible to us but when we see these special people at work we realize their abundant  potential.' And at this, I thought instead of  'Viklang' (handicapped) we should use the word "Divyang" (super intelligent). They are blessed with more than one extra part in their bodies in which super intelligence flows and that we simple human beings are deprived of.

Differently abled was first proposed in the 1980s as an alternative to disabled, handicapped, etc. on the grounds that it gave a more encouraging message and so avoided discrimination towards people with disabilities.

India is leading towards privatization from government raj. As a result, it is marching towards the development of country 500 faster than previous. Now India is in the situation of world fastest developing economy and may be a chance that India will be at the top till 2050. Globalization refers specifically to economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade,  foreign direct investment, capital flows,  migration, and the spread of technology. However, globalization is usually recognized as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural, political, and biological factors.

Modernisation is a process of 'rationalization' with a scientific temper and it involves the total population. It brings about changes in their thought-process in beliefs and faith and in socio-cultural structure and ultimately modernizes the role-perception of the individuals. This one day International Conference is an attempt to Opportunity friends from academia as well as from industry to discuss and find out valuable suggestions to make the Divyangs more empowered in the age of Privatization, Modernization, and Globalization (PMG). The Conference will also focus on the global media perspective on Divyangs and certainly try to reach a conclusion from the scholarly discourses.


•  Opportunity for Divyangs in Media.

•  Challenges for Divyangs in Education.

•  Skill India, Start-ups, Make in India etc.  for Divyangs.

•  Challenges for Divyangs in Employment Sector.

• Challenges for Weaker Section of  Disabled.

•  Rights  & Responsibilities of Divyangs in Digital  Era.

•  Divyangs and Libraries in Digital India.

•  New Media as a Challenge for Divyangs.

•  Divyangs  and  their rights

•  Govt. Initiatives for Differently obeyed

•  Effect of  Privatization on Divyangs



Original papers in the areas of interest are invited. The list is indicative and not exhaustive in coverage. The contributors may include any other topic under the broad categories of the main theme of the conference. Please confirm your valuable participation at the earliest. We shall be thankful, if you would share this information with your colleagues and students.

• Paper should clearly indicate the title of the paper (title case), name (s) of the authors, E-mail Ids, address of the affiliation of the authors with a telephone number.

• Length of the paper should not exceed 5000 words, single space, 10.5 point font size (Times New Roman or Arial), MS­ Word.

• Abstract should not be exceeding 300 words, and should include, methodology, the sample of population and salient findings.

• Paper should have at least 3-4 Keywords.

• Strictly Follow the APA Style for Reference for references and cited work. The specimen for various kinds of entries of APA Style is reproduced for ready reference.

• Paper may be sent to 'Organizing Secretary' at the address given on the last page of the brochure and also copy to   on or before Nov. 25th, 2017.


Conference Date: Sunday, 10th December, 2017

Last Date for Submission of Paper: 25th November, 2017 

Last Date for Registration: 10th November, 2017


Interested candidates are requested to send the duly filled registration form. The candidates who wish to contribute their submissions should send the electronic copy of their papers at the following E-mail:

The submission for the Conference may be in the form of descriptive, critical, research papers and case studies to mirror theory, research, practice and reflective thinking in the above area. The paper should contain abstract not more than 500 words along with keywords. The abstract may be submitted through e-mail given above.


•  Academic Fraternity in Journalism and Mass Communication,  Management, Science and IT, LIS, Education, Physical Education.

• Professionals working in Industry and Research in the areas of Media, IT, Management, LIS, Health Sciences & Medicine, Agriculture, Insurance, Banking etc.

• Publishers.

• IT Services providers.

• Students and Research Scholars.


• Mr. Krishan Gopal Ji

• Mr. J. Nandkumar, (Sr. Journalist)

•  Prof. B. K. Kuthiyala, VC, MCNUJC Bhopal

•  Prof. Man Singh Parmar  VC, KTP Vishwavidyalaya

•  Prof. Hari Mohan Sharma, VC, J. S. University Sikohabad

• Mr. K. G. Suresh, Director, IIMC, New Delhi (Patron)

• Prof. Sanjeev Bhanawat, HOD, Journalism and Mass Communication, Rajasthan University & Director  Jain Studies

• Prof. Pradeep Krishan Atray, Research Cell Director, Hopkins University, USA

• Prof. Umesh Kalra, Ex-lES, GOI

•  Prof. (Dr.) Maheshwar Dutt(Retd.), Zakir Hussain College, DU

• Prof. Dr. Amitabh Srivastav, Dean, School of Media and Communication  Studies,Galgotias University

• Prof. Arun Bhagat, Associate Professor, MCRPV, Noida Campus

•  Prof. Ajay Kumar Srivastava, HOD Himachal  University Shimla

•  Dr. Yogesh Gupta HOD Department  of   Journalism NIMS


Dr. Dilip Kumar, Chairman, Punerutthan NGO/Trust &

Associate Prof., HOD, LLDIMS, GGSIP University, Delhi


Mr. Rahul Mittal, Associate  Prof., TIAS, GGSIP University, Delhi


Prof (Dr.) Suresh Chandra Nayak, Amity School of Communication, Amity  University, Chhatisgarh.


•  Mr. Anil  K Jharotia, Librarian, TAIS, GGSIP University, Delhi

•  Mr. Vipul Partap, Asst. Prof. MAIMS, GGSIP University, Delhi

• Mr. Bharat  Banga, Asst. Prof. MAIMS, GGSIP University, Delhi

•  Mr. Ankit Kumar Gaur, General Secretary, Punerutthan Trust

• Ms. Priyanka  Tyagi, Assistant Prof., SGT University Gurugram

• Mr. Lalit Mohan, Asst. Prof., TIAS, GGSIP University, Delhi

• Mr. Pijush Dutta, Asso. Prof. APJ Institute of Mass Com.

• Mr. Rajiv Panda, Asso. Prof. APJ Institute of Mass Com.

• Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Asst. Prof., Shriram College, Muzaffarnagar.

•  Dr. Neeraj  Karan Singh, Dy. Dean, Subharti  University, Meerut.

• Ms. Harmeet Kaur Kochhar, Asst. Prof., LLDIMS, GGSIP Univ.


• Pawan Kumar Singh

• Mr. Jodha Singh Rawat

• Sachin Kumar

• Mr. Lavesh Paul

• Akash Chawla

  • Venue-INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MASS COMMUNICATION (IIMC) JNU new campus, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110067, India.
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