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Call for research Internships - Policy Research in Democratic Reforms

Mar 30, 2017  09:47 Dec 9, 2020  00:00 Rakesh Prasad Swarntabh Kumar 1,715



Mega Rallies and show of strengths, during Indian Elections, are considered not just a waste of money and time but a major conduit for black money, corruption, and moral decay in public life lending a big blow to the parliamentary democratic system.

These avenues are used without any responsibility or consequences to make statements about the opposition, advertise claims and promises to garner votes. In the times of elections, riches and those in power pretty much control every possible medium of communication like - Rallies, new social and digital media platforms or older news based mediums. A tremendous amount of money, affiliations and oligarchic practices subjugate the whole process.

Threat to a healthy democracy

The research will focus on the practice of candidate selection, political rallies and election campaigns includingthe covert and overt use ofregulated media and unregulated digital social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc., and to investigate the concept of “Democracy Mela” or ‘Janmela' as a viable and efficient alternative.

Approval voting

A party candidate is selected through a transparent approval process in the constituency over a period and finalized with a comfortable time gap to sort out conflicts before the Janmela starts. Individual parties are free to define their selection process and should publish it in public domain. Candidate selection from the list of the party probable candidates should be documented and available for public review.

The concept of Janmela

This ‘Janmela’ should be organized at convenient locations in the constituency prior to elections where all candidates can setup their stalls and provide information about themselves in a standard format including written, audio and visual mediums. Outlining their accomplishments and visions for their elected role with full responsibility and under oath.

These standards can be finalized by the election commission, local bodies or parliamentary discussion. 

Examples of such questions or standards

Understanding of sustainable environmental practices, familiarity with the local and global culture, education, monetary, economic policy expertise, leanings, administrative or societal experiences, etc. Candidates can prepare their answer in line with their personal and party ideologies, and readily make available to the voters.

Role of voters

Here voters are expected to render their full support to this fair and participate in full spirits to get the material information to build consent about the right candidate before going to vote.


The concept of Janmela also propose the election donations, instead of paid to individual parties should go to ‘Janmela’ funds, for a smooth operation of such events and processes, run by local trained volunteers from civil society and committees.

 Research paper submissions


·         Research the evolution of democratic process and theories in major economies including India, China and the USA.

·         Research and document recently concluded elections in India i.e. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Punjab or the state of researchers interest for the pre-voting consent formation process, including the role of

-     Star Campaigners.

-     Show of Strengths and Rallies.

-     Conventional Media

-     Digital Media.

-     PR firms.

·         Run survey and interviews across a diverse target sets on the concept of Janmela as a viable alternative.

·         Submit a research report of around 5000 words preferably with audio and visual presentations.

   Benefits on successful completion

·         Certificates for all authors and co-authors.

·         Publication of the research online and Hard copy with ISBN.

·         Submissions of the report as a policy reform journal to the government of India with credits.

·         Audio/Video presentations hosted on official channels of

·         Invites to events, plenary sessions, seminars on the subject and opportunity to present paper.

·         Future engagements with Gnovations and partners on action research around such issues of systemic impact, including trainings, study tours and events.

Who can participate?

-     Professionals in the fields of Social Science, Economics, Political Science and Mass Communication.

-     Academics and Scientists.

-     Graduate and Post Graduate Students.

-     Non-Government Agencies, Community, and Political activists.

How to Apply?

Email below information to

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Company/ Institution: ________________________________________________________________________

Postal Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________ Country: ____________________________________

Postal Code: ________________________________

Email: _____________________________________

Along with about 800-wordprefaceonthe subject and your resume.


In case responsiblities not assigned, any negative or positive reputation would go to everyone.
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