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  • Bachhon ka Zamana

Bachhon ka Zamana

Educating kids on the pitfalls of the internet and how to be safe and get better - for themselves, friends and family.

As a parent, guardian or teacher would you let your child just walk out to unknown corners of the world all on her own?

Internet in today’s the format is just like that, full of corners which are the warp and portkey to a world unknown where you can’t be there for your kid and help navigate those funnels and pitfalls with your experience.

When you think about it, your child is staring alone at the for-profit marketing funnels which are built by the best of the researchers from the top universities around the world, implemented by the best technology can offer and backed by the most ferocious workforce of marketers seeing everything as numbers and statistics.

A prominent social scientist once said – Its everyone’s responsibility to live a life full of real experiences and write those experiences the way they see it and leave it at it, and that’s how Gandhi did it and pretty much everyone with a mark in history did.

While we see the dangers of current all-prevailing and unbridled digital technology working for the highest bidder at any social cost, we also acknowledge the need of a child’s free expression and connect with people who matter.

Gnovations portals for Kids is a step in that direction and works in three ways.

1. Educating kids on the pitfalls of the internet and how to be safe and get better - for themselves, friends and family.

2. Giving them a safe secure alternative of self-expression without any marketing funnels lurking around.

3. Make this safe alternative really accessible to everyone, and keep evolving it with feedbacks from parents like us.

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Code# 115679548

Total Upgrades 1 Total Downgrades 0

Education Institutions


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