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  • By
  • Rakesh Prasad
  • New Delhi
  • Jan. 31, 2017, 7:38 a.m.
  • 221
  • Code - 62003

@COP21 - India Sets a cost of 2.5 Trillion Dollars just to maintain our carbon emission rates by 2030- Is it realistic with our inefficiencies.

  • @COP21 - India Sets a cost of 2.5 Trillion Dollars just to maintain our carbon emission rates by 2030- Is it realistic with our inefficiencies.
  • Nov 6, 2015
On 1 October 2015, India submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), including the targets to lower the emissions intensity of GDP by 33% to 35% by 2030 below 2005 levels, to increase the share of non-fossil based power generation capacity to 40% of installed electric power capacity by 2030 (equivalent to 26–30% of generation in 2030), and to create an additional (cumulative) carbon sink of 2.5–3 GtCO2e through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. For 2020, India has earlier put forward a pledge to reduce the emissions intensity of GDP by 20% to 25% by 2020 below 2005 levels. We rate the Indian INDC as “medium”.

Source :-

With this Action Group we are going to track on its details and find out if the cost to tax payer (as of now most of the $2.5 Trillions) is going to be a patch, over inefficiencies like

And many more...

Are we going to plug the leakage in our system or will keep burning tax payers money in the self re-enforcing cycle of expensive patch works and lipstick on pig strategy all around.  Just going after a set of renewable methods at very high cost of generation and carbon sinks, without plugging these gaping holes in the way we run our economy, will just negate all the efforts and money in the end.

Any effort to avert climate change needs radical change in the thought process and definition of what we mean by development. 

Is it all about a set of numbers which our communities keep chasing as parameter of development,  Or these numbers are derived from how prosperous, sustainable and cohesive communities are.

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Code# 62003


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