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  • By
  • Rakesh Prasad
  • New Delhi
  • Feb. 2, 2017, 12:40 a.m.
  • 161
  • Code - 62028

Reforesting India Can we grow 3 billion more trees and keep them alive for 40 years

  • Mar 26, 2016
Mr. Prakash Javedkar puts it aptly, जल के बिना जंगल नहीं, जंगल बिना जल नहीं.  जल नहीं तो कल नहीं. 

  • Contribute to the recovery of the soil's fertility through their roots, they improve the water management in a hot and dry climate.
  • Enhance the organic matter percentage thanks to their seasonal defoliation.
  • Limit the soil temperature and decomposition of humus and soil life.
  • Function as a mineral pump, by transporting minerals from deeper layers of soil to the surface and depositing them through defoliation on the ground.
  • Prevent soil erosion.
  • Bear fruits, nuts or oil-seeds.
  • produce in some cases, twigs that can be used as fodder or as ground cover for stables.
  • Contribute to biodiversity.
  • Function as a buffer against certain effects of climate change.
  • Are reputed for their medicinal quality.
Trees and green covers also termed as carbon sinks are our natural barriers against adverse climate change, healthy air, water and quality of life. There is a need not just to plant trees, but plant them right and make sure they survive to grow and mature.

Its an epic effort, not just our rivers (as mentioned in the video above), but most of India's districts are below or around 10% with green cover, and its impacting us a lot. 
India has a target to build additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030 as part of COP21 Paris in 2015. This converts to 2.5 to 3 billion trees. (Tree Facts says 1 ton of CO2 can be broken by a tree in 40 years.

It means everyone of us will have to plant at least 2 trees and maintain them for 40 years.

Some good people are making great progress simply by the ingenious use of our local philosophy, way of life and human relations. But the task ahead is mammoth and only a few people doing their bit is not enough. It requires a concerted effort and innovations to make any impact.

With this action group we are inviting people like Acharya Chandrabhushan Tiwari who have created impact in reforestation and find ways to scale the efforts up in a tremendous way.

Keep an eye on this space for more.
Team @ballotboxIndia

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Code# 62028

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