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  • By
  • Rakesh Prasad
  • New Delhi
  • Jan. 31, 2017, 7:36 a.m.
  • 348
  • Code - 62032

Primary Health Care Systems(PHCs) in India

  • Primary Health Care Systems(PHCs) in India
  • Apr 19, 2016
In India PHCs (Primary Health Centers) are the basic and first-line units providing primary health care. As per National Norms there should be one PHC for 30,000 population in plain area and 20,000 population in hilly area. Each PHC is backed by 6 Sub Centers each catering to a population of 5000, And 4 PHCs are supported by one CHC (Community Health Center) which is the civil hospital.
We will focus on PHCs with this action group, as per government norms each PHC catering to 30,000 of the population should have.

- One Medical Officer (MBBS).
- One Lady Medical Officer (MBBS).
- One Pharmacist.
- One Staff Nurse.
- One Lab Technician.
- One Peon.
- One Sweeper.

Our first focus would be if the sample PHC meets above criterion and with what quality.

Second focus would be if above services can realistically cater to a population of 30,000 and if not what else can be done or is being done right now.
Based on our initial research it looks like the norms should be upgraded at the least to include - 

-  Apart from the prescribed MBBS doctors , their must be  backups that means another doctor when he is not around either because of him taking leave or he is on field trip or on court evidence. 
- A PHC also requires one dental surgeon. 
- The next is nurses, which is woefully understaffed again 3 to 4. 
- Some paramedics are required for helping the nursing staff and orderlies to do the running around and overall help. 
- We need more than one cleaning staff to maintain the cleanliness of the premises. 
- Then comes the instruments in adequate supply and number with adequate medical supplies and a pharmacist to dispense the medicines. 
- Then of course we require staff for the establishment like clerk and accountant. 
- Adequate furniture is also a requirement and a place to stay for the doctor. 
- Also for the field work transport facility with driver are mostly missing. 
On a PHC/CHC we also require a small lab to carry out basic investigations with a lab technician.
- Power back up.
- Standard format of data collection.

Our third focus would be if there are working models in India which can be replicated, so we can reach a respectable universal healthcare coverage.

Keep an eye on this space for more.
Team @ballotboxIndia
Image Credit - CDC Global

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Code# 62032

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